Chapter 4: Government and Governance



4.1 Understanding Government 49
4.2 Types or Forms of Government 50
4.2.1 Autocracy 50
4.2.2 Democracy 51
4.2.3 Monarchy 51
4.2.4 Republic 52
4.2.5 Parliamentary form of Government 52
4.2.6 Presidential form of Government 53
4.2.7 Unitary Government 53
4.2.8 Federal Government 53
4.2.9 Capitalist Government 54
4.2.10 Socialist Government 54
4.3 Roles and Functions of Government 54
4.4 Understanding Governance 55
4.5 Dimensions of Governance 56
4.5.1 Political Governance 57
4.5.2 Economic Governance 57
4.5.3 Corporate Governance 57
4.5.4 Social Governance 57
4.5.5 Environmental Governance 58
4.6 Good Governance 58
4.7 Elements of Good Governance 59
4.7.1 Rule of Law 59
4.7.2 Accountability 60
4.7.3 Transparency 60
4.7.4 Participation 60
4.7.5 Responsiveness 60
4.7.6 Equity and Inclusiveness 60
4.7.7 Effectiveness and Efficiency 61
4.7.8 Consensus Oriented 61
4.8 Role of Civil Society in Promoting Good Governance 61
4.9 Good Enough Governance 62
4.10 E-governance 63


December 31, 2024

How to Cite

Chapter 4: Government and Governance. (2024). In Understanding Fundamentals of Public Administration. A H Development Publishing House.