3. Basics of Public Policy


Naznin Islam
Professor, Department of Public Administration, Univrsity of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.


'Development' is the overarching objective of all developing nations. In addition to economic development, the term "development" also refers to social, political, religious, and environmental development aimed at raising the standard of living of the populace. However, achieving this goal is not simple as a number of problems are impeding progress. Therefore, the governments of most of the emerging nations are conducting trials to enhance their national development policies. Making sure that the pertinent policies are improved is seen as a key strategy for achieving this objective. Public policy has become incredibly important in response to the ever-increasing complexity of technology, social structure, industrialisation, and urbanisation. Public policy, which is concerned not only with defining and explaining the origins and effects of government activity but also with the progress of scientific understanding of the elements influencing public policy and future views, reflects the objectives of the government as a result. This chapter attempts to discuss what public policy is, conceptualise how policies are made and what approaches are followed in formulating policies, and also identify what factors and actors exert influence in shaping public policy. Mainly, it is secondary literature based. Different books and journals have been reviewed for writing this chapter.


January 30, 2025

How to Cite

3. Basics of Public Policy. (2025). In Contemporary Issues and Problems of Public Administration in Bangladesh. A H Development Publishing House. https://doi.org/10.71359/x78kkc05